Infection Control Annual statement 2023-24





This annual statement will be generated each year. It will summarise: 

  • Any infection transmission incidents and any action taken (these will have been recorded in accordance with our Significant Event procedure) 
  • Details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions taken. 
  • Details of any infection control risk assessments undertaken. 
  • Details of staff training. 
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines 


Greenway Community Practice has an Infection Prevention + Control Team (IP+C), comprising: 

  • Mrs Julie Prior – Practice Nurse and Lead for Infection Control
  • Mrs Alison Garrod – Quality Lead 
  • Dr James Cross – GP
  • Mrs Kate Barnes – Practice Manager

Regular Nurses meetings highlight the need for continuing good clinical practice in the prevention of infection at Greenway Community Practice. It is a standing item in these meetings and also in monthly Operations Meetings with representatives from all teams within the practice

Although the Covid-19 pandemic has now considered to have been resolved, Greenway Community Practice produced comprehensive Covid-19 policies with detailed SOP (standard operating procedures), several of which involved Infection Control procedures. Those in use have been amended to revert back to normal good clinical Infection Control Practice operating standards as in previous years.


Significant Events

There has been 1 incident involving a needlestick injury to an HCA in the last 12 months. 
This was correctly reported and discussed within the nursing team and at a minuted Significant Event meeting and was attributed to a faulty needle/syringe.



Ad hoc practice Infection Control Audits have been undertaken in the last 12 months, by Julie Prior and Alison Garrod.  No infection transmission incidents were recorded. A number of areas were identified as needing improvements.

  • Removal of clinical waste bins from some GP rooms as not required, as part of our streamlining our waste stream
  • Ensuring sharps bins in rooms are in the closed position when no clinician in the room.
  • Replacement of worn out wipeable pillows in T/R wing

Annual audits take place where activity and procedure are looked at for:

  • Hand Hygiene
  • Personal Protective Equipment usage
  • Clinical Room suitability and cleanliness
  • Sharps Handling
  • Specimen Handling
  • Medical Devices
  • Waste Handling and Disposal

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are carried out so that best practice can be established and then followed. In the past year a number of risk assessments have been carried out. These include:

  • Urine Testing
  • Giving immunisations    
  • Modesty curtains in clinicians rooms    
  • Toys in clinicians rooms        
  • Venepuncture for the patient
  • Venepuncture for the phlebotomist
  • Use of Orange clinical waste bags

Staff Training

  • There is a rolling 2 yearly Infection Prevention and Control training programme all staff. 
  • complete, along with regular PPE update as required.
  • Infection Prevention and Control training is included with all new team member inductions.

Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

All policies are regularly formally reviewed, however all are amended on an ongoing basis as current advice changes, or need arises.

The following policies/protocols are currently in place

Clinical Waste Protocol (incl sharps)     last updated April 2024
Infection Control Policy   last updated July 2023
Laundering of linen last updated October 2023
Personal Protective Equipment last updated April 2024
Contagious Illness Policy last updated June 2024
Hand Hygiene Policy     last updated March 2024
Needlestick Injuries last updated August 2023
Specimen Handling last updated March 2024
Disposable Instrument Usage last updated November 2023
Patient Isolation Policy last updated April 2024

Health and Social care Act 2008 Code of Practice on Prevention and Control of Infection.

This Infection Control Statement covers the 12 months April 2023 to March 2024.