Clinics and Services




Social Prescribing

The clinicians are able to refer patients to the team at the Greenway Centre. They can arrange a number of activities to help ensure your physical, mental and social well being. These include referrals for social isolation/loneliness, practical support needs (e.g. letter writing for welfare cases, benefit help, housing, debt, work etc.), bereavement, need for improved self-care (e.g. diet and exercise), low confidence and self-esteem (including mild-moderate depression and anxiety).


Travel Vaccinations

We are only able to offer Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Hepatitis A and Typhoid which are free to NHS patients. For more information on how to book travel vaccinations please click here.


Cervical Screening

All women between 25-65 years are included in the recall system when they register and are invited to attend for a smear at least every 3 years. For further information please click here


Child Immunisation Clinic

Every Wednesday afternoon, from 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm. This clinic is run by the Practice Nurses and offers all the necessary childhood vaccinations as recommended by the Department of Health National Guidelines


Health Visitors

There is a session at Badocks Wood Children’s Centre, Doncaster road on Thursdays 9.30am to 11 am which is good for feeding advice, growth and developmental concerns or queries.


Diabetes Clinic

Patients with diabetes are reviewed twice yearly and are offered advice on their lifestyle, diet and treatment. Dr McLewis is our Diabetic Lead. If you want to know more about diabetes take a look at the British Diabetes Association website. Lori and Sandy (Practice Nurses) run these clinics along with the help of the HCA’s.


Personal and Sexual Health

GPs and nurses provide a full range of contraception and sexual health care including the contraceptive pill and injection, emergency contraception, coil fitting, coil checks and long-acting contraceptive implants. We also offer a full range of tests for sexually transmitted infections.


Teen Health Checks

Young people (13-17 years old) are invited to book a Teen Health Check appointment with the Nurse. In addition to being offered a Tetanus/ Polio/ diphtheria Booster vaccination, young people can discuss their own health concerns, including confidential issues, with a nurse in private.


Health Care Assistants (HCAs)

Our trained HCAs take blood, measure blood pressure, test urine samples, undertake simple dressings, and measure weight and height. In addition our HCA’s are trained to do spirometry tests and give certain injections such as B12’s.


Vascular Disease Clinic

An annual appointment is offered where lifestyle advice is given, drug therapy monitored and blood tests reviewed. Learn about a healthy heart at the British Heart Foundation website. Lori and Sandy (Practice Nurses) run these clinics with the help of the HCAs.


Stop Smoking Advice

Did you know that you are 3 more times likely to give up with support?

Support to stop smoking


Weight Management

We are able to offer individualised support if you would like to lose weight either with a practice nurse or our Health Trainer. 


Respiratory Clinic (including asthma)

Patients with asthma and chronic obstructive airways disease (COPD) are reviewed annually and are offered advice on their lifestyle and treatment. Julie Prior (Practice Nurse) runs these clinics along with the support from our HCAs.